Thalatta Coast Survey 1976-80
The Thalatta Coast Survey was described as an ‘exploration of the English coast, undertaken by school pupils working from their own coast survey vessel Thalatta, to compile a lasting record of the area in the late 1970’s. Aspects of the coast that were studied included History & Tradition, Man & Wildlife, Safety, Law & Order in Coastal waters, Common Market Trade & Transport, Leisure & Yachting, Tides & Weather, Fisheries & Agriculture, The Changing Coastline and Local Art & Literature. Sponsored by the Geographical Magazine, the survey also had a advisory panel consisting of Hammond Innes (novelist), Ronald Blythe (local archivist, author of ‘Akenfield’), Terence Doherty (Head of Biology at Colchester Royal Grammar School), Margaret Evans (Headmistress of Seven Kings High School), Paul Jennings (writer), and Derek Weber (Editor of The Geographical Magazine).